Department of Informatics - Events



SURFMOD - Surface Modelling Software Tool (Matjaz HORVAT)

Designing surfaces is a subject usually included in different courses such as geometric modelling, CAD/CAM, computer graphics, etc. Teaching this material becomes effective if students can learn it by computer help. Therefore, a software teaching tool for surface modelling has been constructed. It enables interactive investigations and various comparisons among different methods. It is possible to change interactively various parameters such as weights, degrees, parameters of control net form, lines of control points in the control net, parametrization type, etc. Rendering methods (hidden lines and surfaces removing, shadings) are included for better look of surfaces.

Exercise test analysis : CardioA (Dean KOROSEC)

We developed a PC-based software for on-line analysis of the exercise electrocardiograms with a MS-DOS PC. Basic concepts of the real time kernel will be presented.

The real-time tasks are interrupt-driven, so they form a multitasking environment synchronised also by semaphores. Measurements of utilisation of the computer's processor showed that at 500 Hz sampling rate all the real-time bound by the sampling process, and also the analysis parameters can be easily executed.

As a part of an on-line computer-aided system for analysis of the exercise electrocardiograms we developed an additional software for off-line analysis of this kind of signals.

Program represents a measuring tool for those who work with a computer recorded electocardiographic signals. Some basic manipulations as viewing, zooming and browsing signals as well as measuring time intervals, signal amplitudes and slopes are possible.

Case based Reasoning in CASSAM (Bishara Khouri)

Few attention has beed payed in the last decade to the support of software application system which are installed at many customers in different version and variant running on multiple plattforms and used for various purposes. Supporter had to solve roblems within these application systems by trying many systematically unorganized orderd ways without the support of any tools.

The Goal of this work is to provide the supporter an environment (CASSAM) that can systematically support the Supporter by the solution of problems within these application systems.In the lecture a modell of a support environment will be presented. It will be also shown how the case based reasoning method can be used together with this model to provide diagnoses and therapies for the solution of cases in this domain.

Open problems related to the environment and the method will be also discussed. Future works and goals are also introduced.

Programming embedded hard real-time systems (Matjaz COLNARIC)

It is a well known fact that there are specific requirements in programming embedded hard real- time systems which can not be entirely met using any of the existing high level programming languages. Using different academic studies on their deficiencies we defined a subset of an existing real-time programming language which is expected to yield programs with deterministic and predictable run times. Also, several convenient real-time features were added. A compiler is under construction, incorporating a tool for the estimation of run times implementing already known and novel methods.

PPOST, a Parallel Database in Main Memory (Carsten Weich)

We present the PPOST-architecture (Persistent Parallel Object Store) for main-memory database systems on parallel computers, that is suited for applications with challenging performance requirements. The architecture takes full advantage of parallelism, large main memories and fast switching networks. An important property of this architecture is its excellent scaling behavior.

PROCESSUS - Appraisement and improvement of software development process quality (Ivan ROZMAN)

PROCESSUS is the name of the project started in the beginning of this year. It is funded mostly by Slovenian firms which become more and more aware that old (add-hoc) kind of software production does not result products which satisfy all customers' needs. But work sharing among production subject is much more meaningful as only satisfaction of customers, the most of Slovenian software firms are small therefore they have not possibilities to finish a bigger software project without co-operation among each other, and ordered software process is needed for international co-operation too. PROCESSUS has mainly two subjects. The first one is to appraise the existing practise of firms co-operate in this project. For this purpose we will use two methods based on SEI Capability Maturity model and ISO 9001, ISO 9000-3 standards. Both methods are well known and both contribute to the entire view of the existing practices . The second subject is to improve the previous situation. We plan to develop the methodology for identifying the weaknesses of software process, classifying them into small number of targets, and after developed plan control/monitor if improve ments will be going on according to the accepted plan.

Metric Assessment Supported by OOMetTool (Marjan HERICKO)

Object-oriented approach to software development represents a revolutionary change, particularly at the area of software design and implementation. Consequently the traditional software metrics are quite unsuitable.

We will describe the first version of OOMetTool, that supports metric assessment of the C++ code. Additionally to Chidamber's metrics some new metrics have been defined. Automated support is particularly important for objective evaluation of the OO technology usage. It should also help to investigate achieved and expected benefits like improved reusability and higher productivity are.

Intra-Objekt Schemas to Enhance the Evolution of Software-Objects (Klaus Kienzl)

In the field of Software-Reuse the adaption of classes plays a particular role. Classes are designed within one context of application, and has to be modified in accoradance to a new context where these components are to reuse.

To improve the process of modification and understanding of SW-Components we argue for extending the Classes by an intra-object schema to enrich the code with information on an abstract level. It should be based on sound formal semantics and provide a level of indirection and it should reduce the gap between the design and the code.

Searching for fractal structure in computer programs (Peter KOKOL)

The concept of fractals has caught the imagination of many scientist from many various fields including medicine, engineering, philosophy, mathematics etc. The basic unifying concept underlying fractals and related disciplines of chaos and power lows is self similarity. Self similarity, or invariance against changes is scale or size is an attribute of many laws of nature and innumerable phenomena in the world around us.

Two examples in which the concept of the self similarity is concerned with the characteristics of computer programs, namely structure of variables and the frequency of reserved words and operators (Zip's Low) will be presented.

Type Derivation and View Definition in OODBMS (Dobrovnik Michael)

A concept of type derivation in order to introduce external models in object oriented database systems is presented. This leads to the traditional three level DBMS architecture, consisting of an internal, a conceptual and several external models. In contrast to other approaches, the concept takes into account all traditional features of external models - such as submodeling, interfacing application programs and databases, logical data independence, canned queries, and indiv-idualized access and security management. A clear separation of the type and class hierarchies of the external schema from those of the conceptual schema is provided. This approach allows for better and cleaner modularization of information systems built on top of object-oriented databases. The talk focuses on the mechanisms to separate and connect the external and conceptual type hierarchies.

Referent:Workshop mit Universitaet Maribor
Zeitpunkt: Freitag, 25. März 1994, 14 Uhr c.t.

Ort: HS 3 der Universität Klagenfurt

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